الاثنين، 14 أبريل 2014




Search Summary Prepared:



• Definitions
• The Historical relationship between rhetoric and  
  public relations
• The use of rhetoric through AD campaigns.
• The Reputation and the relationship with rhetoric  
  to preserve it.
• Conclusion

    We can say that public relations are the key of the changes which, taking place in the market, economics, politics and the media, in developed countries nowadays. The develop in minds of the public, encounter with spread  and immediate exchange of information  and accessible to all, forced the government and economic institutions to in-depth study of the public, before taking any tyro move that would return a negative impact on its owner rather than to achieve the desired objective. Many philosophers and experts in the field of humanity  and  marketing sciences, that,  the shortest way  to the hearts and minds of  the public is by learning the art of rhetoric and eloquence. Using the pulpit and speeches is an old style to deliver the message to the public. It is not possible to anyone to step on the pulpit and give a speech unless he is aware of the arts of rhetoric in order to select the right word, which may be useful short-or long words and  meaningful. In light of this subject, this research discusses the art of rhetoric in the work of public relations historically and contemporary. It defines public relations and the rhetorical style used within, the moral and declarative, through contemporary examples.
     Rhetoric is the oldest science and most studied sciences and still argued to this day; and it is linked with the spoken language of any nation in any historical period in order to enrich an understanding of the public through a process of mutual communication. Study of rhetoric has evolved with the evolution of the man and the changing patterns of spoken language into  dialects and the extinction of numerous dialects used among certain people; to be used in textbooks and educational institutions exclusively, what drew attention of specialists in this field for the development of studies and researches simulating contemporary language (the science  of contemporary language ) and explain how, the use of rhetoric, to reach out to the minds of the largest possible segment of the target audience, the right way. One of the most important parts of a study of public relations (the focus of the search) to learn the art of rhetoric (art of speech) where the function of public relations aimed at a wide range of customers or a whole nation  in some cases, it is very important to focus on the language arts to move away from the grammatical errors, which may reflect negatively on the performance of the work of public relations in the process of implementation of corporate public relations or media or advertising companies that are doing public relations. The following definition of rhetoric and public relations in addition to the mention of the most important pioneers of this science since the pre-birth to the present day; through analysis of their writings, from the viewpoint of public relations.

  Rhetoric: the art of speech or writing process, the art of studying the principles and rules of language and structures used as a means of communication and persuasion.
(Merriam Webster Dictionary).
The rhetoric in the language of the Arabs, as mentioned in Alwaseet dictionary, the strength of the good effect and the meaningful word. And the scientists of rhetoric said: it is the Science which argues all possible meanings of a language, so far, the rhetorical sciences has played a major role in the history of the Arabs, in terms of famous Rhetoricians and gives people a very good examples to inspire them, and to give the speaker, spokesman, or a poet a rank according to the rules of rhetoric and its laws. Siddeek Ben Hassan Alguenoji says in his book (Abjad Aloloom): rhetoric is a statement of figures of speech and meanings. The purpose of that sciences: the rhetoric, whether in speech or speaker, return to two things?
First: to guard against error in the performance of the meaning...
Second: discrimination between formal and informal language. (p101, Salem, 1999)
 Public Relations: "It was a management function concerned with building relations of mutual benefit between the institution and the people, and preserves the continuation of these relations. The success or failure depends on these relationships." as Cutlip defined in 1985 (Kitchen 2008, p. 43).
 He concluded that "the Institute of Public Relations", which was founded in 1948 in Britain, to adopt in 1987 a useful definition of public relations: "Public relations is a planning effort and continued support for the establishment and maintenance of good reputation and mutual understanding between the organization and its audience." Fiker Allison (2004 p. 10)

The historical relationship between
rhetoric and public relations:
   “If the decent generous, lacked money; visit him, for smelling a rose after the cut is a habit. If Varmint enriched do not; for the malice house lacks increase.”  Words summed up the advice of a poet to the reader to know how to deal with the insidious and decent, in order to reach the idea in poetic eloquent way, to help the reader understand and preserve a permanent principle. There are also instructions of Lukman (whom has a title as the wise man, was a contemporary of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and prayers upon his soul)). Using rhetorical words of poetry, being taught at universities nowadays, which he explained the method of interaction between individuals and society and to avoid alienating the people away from you.
  Old nations used to hire prior the poets and philosophers to represent it in front of  the Governor or  to represent the Governor in front of the rulers of other States, for, the poet has been the best to choose the right words of the people, speaks eloquence and formal. Mention of the philosophers and writers who have left a mark an influential political and cultural generations that came after them (Aristotle 394-322, Horace Hicheron 65-8 and 106-43 BC; and Arab philosophers, such as: Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Rushd 1332-1406 and 1126-1198 have been others  ... Arabs poets used in the war to urge the public to make money and boys, before Islam; even in the era of the Renaissance in Europe, writers and philosophers of the major role in changing the face of Europe, such as: Russian poet Pushkin 1799-1837 bulk of Russia's greatest thinkers who have contributed to triggering the Russian Revolution through eloquent poetry and literary novels, 1898-1936, and Lorca in Spain and the German philosopher Nietzsche 1844-1900). Many historical examples of the impact of rhetoric in the hearts of the masses that have been drawn from literary works (the STATE of the great Plato 427-348 BC. The book is one of the oldest public relations campaigns, in terms of political principles and ideas in the process to build up a civilized society; as well the Divine Comedy of Dante 1265-1321 AD) ideas and principles for building a civilized society without order or used in the work of public relations or public information campaigns, such names were not known at that time. As Mihuob (2009) said that of Aristotle in ancient Greece and Rome's Hicheron stressed the importance of the use of rhetoric in the letters addressed to the public. Aristotle was considered the art of public speaking (through his book RHETORIC) is a way to get to convince the public, and learn the art of rhetoric is one of the important elements for the success of his mission and in gaining the sympathy of the public. The famous Roman philosopher Hicheron the theme (the importance of studying the psychology of the masses and their interests and tastes, of great importance in its work in the field of rhetoric, and stressed that the task is to reassure the public through spokesman, is aesthetic and influence the will of the people and their behavior and the ability to get them to work actively) (2009p.13). In the opinion of Maccuri (1996) (many of the rhetorical techniques used by experts rhetoric (of poets and writers) in ancient times, such as: Rhyme and Pun and exaggeration, however, remained an influential and distorted and non-visible in the theory of the Declaration). All this are clear evidences that the poet and thinker (armed by eloquence) are the first of the so-called leaders in current public relations business and public relations campaigns, and organize his campaign and puts it on paper to publish, or use the pulpits at certain occasions to present their views and ideas to the public. Moreover, their students copy the ideas to preserve what he said to the coming generations, the belief that this will change the face of history, if apply the right way.

Uses of rhetoric through campaigns:
   Bevanz considered that it is essential to writ, nevertheless, the means of communication have evolved (and despite the proliferation of cable television and the space and, increasingly, the Internet, the written word still powerful). (2006 p.7).
 Despite the tremendous development in the media, but experts and public relations firms do not ignore the traditional methods in the search for a catalyst for the public by various ways. No objection to use the old methods, such as a pen, writing and the use of proverbs, and even printed ads. Bevens (2006) clarified that, specifications of printed Declaration as great mental image, which in turn track the main title where first brought the attention of the receiver of the Declaration, and measure the degree of success depending on the strength of the Declaration address, written and eloquence (must be, neither long   nor short in order to be effective. Headlines needs to be an exciting and interesting) Bevens had included some examples:
• Your own death, your own risk. (Association of  
• The way in which AIDS is understood, that may think that you will be infected once you touch this photo. (Foundation for AIDS children). (2006 p. 233-234)
   Many examples of metaphor language used through public relations business, which shortened a lot of talk without meaning or narrative, result to boredom the receiver in particular situation, of public media. Of course, there is a mental expression or picture, facilitate the process    to absorb the significance of the idea, but the focus was on the word, which is stored in the public’s minds, example (Start your prayers, drive safe, and there is a campaign launched by Saudi social services institution through television entitled: we care about you. What distinguishes this campaign that, it is not addressed to the Saudis, but each one who can speak in arabic, and used expressions such as: are you earning in a legitimate way, in reference to the dedication to work and to rethink of the methods to earn money by legitimate means). Gregory (2008)asserted in raising the issue of choosing the right tone and language as an important method in the selection process for the submission and presentation of the letter (you must use the right words, and even the appropriate printing of letters to deliver the contents of message- the choice of language is crucial. All communications need to give attention, on the mood and atmosphere, or the manner in which these messages are trying to figure about) (Gregory 2008 p. 128).

The importance of rhetoric in public relations:
    (you should write well), Bevens stated in his WRITING FOR PUBLIC RELATIONS that you need to study the importance of writing and planning in advance, make sure that no negative effects or out of context will take place, even a coincidence, because the public relations created at the outset to strengthen the position of the company and improve its image as well to increase sales and, of course, out of sudden crises least possible losses. Bevens also pointed to the goal of writing in public relations (generally, public relations article is produced for one or tow reasons: (to learn or to persuade) (Bevens 2008 p. 12). Information and persuasion as the goal of politicians is the goal of sales men, but in the writing style it differs from the other two goals. political Man  needs a long newspaper articles, arguments and supporting evidence to convince his audience , the receiver, about the idea which is under process to implementing it on the ground. For instance, to persuade about positive qualifications of a person to be elected to the governor office, while the sales man tries to shorten  his brief as possible, to find  meaningful words (vocabulary) better than  use of long words, because  the public the receiver, is not forced to read what is written in the Declaration unless the title draws attention, supposed to be flagrant. Of course, the blatant title required in both cases to stimulate the reader, the difference between the AD articles that the receiver expected it short, while not surprised of long political article.

Reputation and the relationship of rhetoric to preserve:
 We cannot confined the work of public relations in management meetings, interviews, cocktails parties and oversee the marketing, it is more studying, researching, analysis and planning to implementation and  collecting the process  results of any steps taken by the institution at all levels. And it is promotional and marketing framework to study the social, psychological and economic future of the internal situation of the addressee. In spite of all  analytical studies for the public and  market, however, sometimes errors occur because of  misunderstanding  meaning of words,  Dr. Ghannam Ibrahim (2007) explain that through the following example:"Having found that some common words with more than 28 meanings to explain, for example, when a manager declared, we need to work as efficiently as productive, some have interpreted the need to increase production at all costs, and others need to reduce the pressure of the expenses of production, while others have interpreted the need to increase the number of workers to increase production.“Ghannam refers to the need for attention to the significance and meaning of words used in the message, which could lead to a negative impact on the expected outcome, which calls for a focus on the study of rhetoric science deeply and hire good experts in this field.

   At the end of this short research about rhetoric and the close relationship with public relations, we deduce, to gain access to public satisfaction, the receiver, does not complete till you activate the role of research, art of speech and rhetoric studies of the public relations officer. As we pointed out earlier,   that each language has its own receiver, the public, must be studied in depth, because persuasion is the main objective in the work of public relations. The above examples can be found to enrich the education of the researcher in this field, we cannot deny that philosophers have been, through the use of rhetoric, to convince the reader of literature and to encourage research and study of these works to get the desired result of the author, as many ancient writings and modern declarations contain the meanings of the current deep between the lines need to be deepened in the letter of understanding and absorption well.

• Ibrahim Ghannam, communication skills, academic  
  libraries, electronic 2007
• Ann Gregory, Department of public relations,  
  planning, interpretation Khaddour Adib, the
  Syrian International Academy for Training &
  Development, first edition 2008.

• Alison Faker, Manual of Public Relations, House 
  Of Dawn Nscheralqahrp, First Edition 2004

• Bivenz Thomas, writing for public relations and
  form the foundations of technique, interpretation
  Khaddour Adib, the Syrian International Academy
  for Training & Development, sixth edition 2006.

• Sheikh Salem Abdullah, Najib, the definition of
  some of Islam Science 1999, Publisher site of the
  Ministry of Religious Endowments, the State of
  Kuwait 2004

• Philip Kitchen, public relations between the
  principles and practice, interpretation d. Nizar
  reject, the Syrian International Academy for
  Training & Development, first edition 2008.

• Merriam Webster Dictionary Electronic (Merriam- 
  Webster Online)

•Edward F. McQuarrie & David Glen Mick
 Figures of Rhetoric in Advertising Language 1996.
http://lsb.scu.edu/ ~ emcquarrie / rhetjcr.htm

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